How to Extract Unzip tar.gz Files: Step-by-Step Windows and Linux Guide

how to unzip a tar.gz file

The collective -xvzf flag stands for Extract, Verbose, gzip, and Filename respectively. Anything that follows the -f option is treated as the input file. Note that if you are working with TAR files, you can remove the -z flag from the commands. This command will only extract the files with a [.inline-code].pdf[.inline-code] extension from the [.inline-code].tar.gz how to buy neo in the uk [.inline-code] archive. To extract all the files from a directory within a tar file use the following command.

But it does not compress the data, which results in a larger file size compared to compressed formats. The aforementioned command will extract the archive.tar.gz file to the /Downloads folder. The -C option is used to specify a different directory other than the current working directory.

From videos to entire software packages, many files are compressed and stored using the .tar.gz format. While extracting a .tar.gz file isn’t quite as easy 8 best ways to buy bitcoin in the uk as unzipping a .zip, it’s still pretty straightforward. However, Windows 10 includes native support for tar files, and you can use Command Prompt to extract these files. Or you can even use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that includes native support for Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, and many other distros. Therefore, you can also access many Linux tools, including tar, to quickly extract content from tarballs. The most often used algorithm for compressing tar files is Gzip.

You can also add the verbose output option (-v) to provide detailed listings, including dates, securities/permissions, and more. You can also use –wildcards to extract all files with a certain extension or name. It also integrates with the Windows Explorer context menu, which enables users to create and extract archives directly from the right-click menu. You can easily extract .tar.gz files using third-party tools like 7 zip and Winrar on the Windows system.

Ubuntu Core is a minimalistic and immutable version explicitly designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded systems. It is based on Ubuntu and tailored for use in scenarios where reliability, security, and ease of maintenance are critical, relying on the Snap package and atomic transactional updates. Ubuntu versions are usually named using an alliterative adjective and an animal name, both starting with the same letter. Most Linux distributions come with the tar command pre-installed by default. We can see that the Ukulele Songs directory contains directories called Random Songs, Ramones and Possibles. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

In other words, .zip is a collection of compressed files, while .tar.gz is a compressed collection of files. While every tar.gz file is a .tar archive, not every .gz is a .tar file. The .gz extension represents the gzip compression format, which can be applied to almost any file format to compress data and save space.

Rather, they both accomplish the same task (file compression) in the same way. A file using .tar.gz format is a file that has been created using the Unix-based archival application tar and then compressed using the gzip compression. These files are often referred to as “tarballs.” While you can find them with a double extension (.tar.gz), the extension can also be shortened to .tgz or .gz. 7-Zip is a free and open-source tool with high compression ratios & supports a wide range of archive formats.

Reading User Input

The name “Tar” stands for “Tape Archiver” because it was used to place data on storage tapes when tar was invented. The tar program takes one or more files and “wraps” them into a self-contained file. This example uses example1.tar.gz in the Home directory.

  1. Some common examples include .tar.bz2 (bzip2), (Brotli), and .tar.zst (zstd), among many others.
  2. If you want 7-Zip to always handle tar.gz files in the future, you’re going to want to select the «Always» button at the bottom of the dialog.
  3. That means users can download and use it for free during a trial period.
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How to Extract or Unzip tar.gz Files Using Bash on Windows 10 or 11

how to unzip a tar.gz file

Technical details aside, all you need to remember is that .zip files are more accessible but less space-efficient, while .tar files are less accessible but more space-efficient. As a result, one isn’t necessarily better than the other — it’s all a matter of application. Of course, that’s not to say .tar files are some kind of “lesser” format than .zip.

Is .gz a .tar file?

They were officially introduced in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, released in April 2016. Looking in our Documents/Songs directory we’ll see the Guitar Songs directory has been created. If you plan to distribute and store .tar.gz files on your website, Kinsta’s managed hosting services can help make the most of your space. However, while tools like 7-Zip are free, many more “robust” solutions are only available for a price after a trial period. As a result, we recommend sticking to free (but trustworthy) tools or simply using how to buy bored ape yacht club the command line. To access the Windows command line, search for “command prompt” or “cmd” in the search bar.

If we want to extract the files to a location other than the current directory, we can specify a target directory using the -C (specified directory) option. Knowing how to unzip a .tar.gz file allows users to extract and access the archives’ contents efficiently. Again, the above command extracts to the current working directory by default. You can use the -C option to extract to a different directory (in this case, /home/user/files). For sending and storing, both .zip and .tar.gz files allows you to send relatively large packages as a single file.

Extract Files to the Specific Directory

It offers AES-256 encryption to protect sensitive data within archives. Users can utilize the 7-zip command-line interface for automated & scripted extraction tasks. This command extracts the contents of the [.inline-code]archive.tar.gz[.inline-code] file and places them in the [.inline-code]/home/user/desktop[.inline-code] directory. People new to the .tar format usually equate it to a .zip archive, but a tar archive is not compressed. Tar collected all the files into one package, but the files can be compressed with separate utilities.

It contains compiled binaries, libraries, configuration files, and metadata required to install and manage software on a Ubuntu system. This is because most versions of tar allow both gnu and bsd style options (simplistically, gnu requires a hyphen, bsd doesn’t). Some third-party tools also offer extended flexibility for converting between file types‌, saving more time if you want to change between compression formats. If the command line isn’t your thing, there are plenty of user-friendly tools available to unzip tar.gz files. But with .zip being the easier of the two to use, why use .tar in the first place? The next section shows how .tar comes with a few extra features that make it the better compression format for certain files and applications.

tar: Unrecognized archive format

It may sound like a silly mistake, but it’s surprisingly common in situations where users directly rename files and their extensions (such as .tar and .gz) in the process. With the command prompt open, use the appropriate commands to change the current working directory (cd) to the location of the .tar.gz file you want to unzip. Alternatively, you can also specify a source and destination file path when using the tar utility.

Note that this command also works with other common compression formats such as .tar.bz2. Usually, tar files are more common with Ubuntu (other Linux distros) and macOS users for data archival and backups. However, Windows 10 users may also come across these files, which is a reason to have a way to extract their contents.